ISSN 2394-5125

    Struggle of women in the society in selected novels of R.K. Narayan: An Analytical Study (2019)

    JCR. 2019: 318-325


    One of the most well-known Indian authors of novels in English, R.K. Narayan, is renowned for his accurate depictions of Indian culture. This research paper examines R.K. Narayan's novels to analyse the struggle of women within our society, through a more intersectional point of view. The novels "The Dark Room," "The Bachelor of Arts," and "The Guide" were selected for this research. The analysis shows that the female characters in Narayan's books face numerous challenges and struggle to break free from societal expectations. The characters frequently face gendered expectations and stereotypes, and patriarchal conventions which place restrictions on their agency. The research also identifies instances where female characters go against the grain and make a variety of claims for agency. The study paper advances knowledge of how women are portrayed in Indian English literature and emphasises the significance of looking at how literature subverts social norms and expectations.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 6 Issue-2
