ISSN 2394-5125

    Consequences of Negativity in English Literature (2020)

    Vinika Panchal
    JCR. 2020: 4084-4091


    The effects of negativity in contemporary fiction might extend beyond the story's characters to the readers as well. Poverty, inequality, and injustice are all examples of societal problems that can be brought to attention by emphasizing the negative. This has the potential to increase understanding of the issues and encourage in-depth reflection on them. However, studies have shown that reading too much negativity in literature might have the same effect. Feelings of pessimism, melancholy, and cynicism might set in after prolonged exposure to stories with unpleasant themes and characters. Particularly vulnerable are young people and those with preexisting mental health conditions.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 7 Issue-8
