ISSN 2394-5125

    the settlement of international disputes to which international organizations are parties (2023)

    Maliheh Behfar
    JCR. 2023: 51-55


    The increasing number of international organizations raises many issues about them. One of the most important of these issues is international disputes that one of the parties is an international organization. In 2011, the International Law Commission paid attention to this issue and addressed the issues in its Draft. The Article with notice to Draft articles examined judicial proceeding in international court of justice and situation of advisory opinion in international courts, although advisory opinion doesn�t have binding effects, This does not mean that they might not be used in the context of disputes. Advisory opinions are a powerful political tool. Arbitration proceeding is a useful way for settlement international organizations disputes. But it needs a contract or agreements for creating jurisdiction


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 10 Issue-2
