ISSN 2394-5125

    Stereotyping in Bollywood A detailed analysis of select Hindi films (2020)

    Dr Saima Riyaz
    JCR. 2020: 3913-3945


    Stereotype in film theory is a fixed and simplified characterization that is constantly repeated to gain acceptance by mainstream audiences, usually �marked� by exaggerated physical features (through makeup), costuming, and acting style. These signs act as signifiers of difference and inferiority. Stereotype's draw on one narrow aspect of a social type, amplify it and thoroughly invest a character with this characteristic, so that the character's entire motivation is understood through this narrow lens. Because this representation is one-dimensional, it tends to label the type as either �good� (tolerated by the mainstream) or �bad� (feared and/or hated by the mainstream).


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 7 Issue-9
