ISSN 2394-5125

    Characterisation of Famous Five Portrayed in the Famous Five Fiction Series of Enid Blyton With Specific Reference to a Treasure Island: An Evaluation (2020)

    Dr. Minakshi Chauhan
    JCR. 2020: 3883-3891


    In asymmetrical power relationships when one person is controlled or oppressed by another, the dominant discourses frequently take shape. Enid Blyton (1897�1968) was a famous female author in a culture that was heavily influenced by Victorian imperial ideology and in which the dominant paradigm encouraged patriarchal heteronormative discourses. Early twentieth-century schools of thinking in England promoted the idea that women should be passive beings who concentrate on domestic tasks like childrearing and home management as opposed to males who are active in the public realm. Enid Blyton seems to support and further the prevailing ideologies of the day. The prevailing values and interests of the society had an impact on her expectations and, consequently, how she thought about gender roles in society. As a result, Blyton's depictions of gender roles codify the dominant gender ideology of Western civilization.


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    Volume 7 Issue-9
