ISSN 2394-5125

    A review on simulation-based optimization methods applied to building performance analysis (2020)

    K Naresh Kumar, G L N V Kartheek, M Shailaja
    JCR. 2020: 12123-12124


    In this paper we present two path planning algo- rithms based on Be�zier curves for autonomous vehicles with waypoints and corridor constraints. Be�zier curves have useful properties for the path generation problem. The paper describes how the algorithms apply these properties to generate the refer- ence trajectory for vehicles to satisfy the path constraints. Both algorithms join cubic Be�zier curve segments smoothly to generate the path. Additionally, we discuss the constrained optimization problem that optimizes the resulting path for user-defined cost function. The simulation shows the generation of successful routes for autonomous vehicles using these algorithms as well as control results for a simple kinematic vehicle. Extensions of these algorithms towards navigating through an unstructured environment with limited sensor range are discussed


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 7 Issue-19
